Incorporating Healthy Tips

This week completes 1 year of “The Healthy Tip of the Week”. 52 tips may seem overwhelming to incorporate into a busy schedule. As an anniversary post, I am sharing how I practice many of the healthy tips on a daily basis with ease and minimal time. After each tip there will be a date and a link to that tip for reference.

I stopped using an alarm clock in the early 90’s and sort of trained myself to wake up in the morning without it (May 30th tip). Typically I turn on my home computer and only answer emails in the morning to avoid stimulation in the evening. Before I shower, I skin brush from toe to head, including my face (January 17th tip). At the end of my shower I turn on the cold water for another minute or so (May 16th tip). Brush my skin dry with the towel from toe to head (this is next week’s healthy tip). Rebound for 10 minutes (August 17th tip). Put coconut oil on my face (October 11th tip). Make a protein shake to include raw goat’s milk (September 7th tip), 2-3 raw eggs (tip in 2 weeks), 2 Tablespoons of fish oil (with DHA) (April 3rd tip), raw honey (April 25th tip), Almond butter (January 3rd tip) and coconut creme (March 6th tip). I allow the cold drink to warm up in my mouth while mixing it with the salivary enzymes (May 23rd tip)

While driving home from work, I drink plenty of water (which keeps it 30-minutes before dinner) (October 18th tip) and think about how I feel at the end of my work day (December 28th tip). We don’t drink liquids with meals except for what is necessary to take our supplements. I start with 2-3 bites of the protein first (December 20th tip), chewing around 35-40 times (May 10th tip). If time and weather permit, take a 20-minute walk (June 1st, 2011 tip). Around 8:30 or 9:00 pm lights become dimmer, I step away from noise and TV and relax with a pad of paper nearby for any thoughts I need to make note of and a book. 10:00pm go to bed (April 18th tip).

Incorporating Healthy Tips