Drinking Liquids With Meals

Although having a beverage with meals is a common practice; it might not be the healthiest.

Our stomachs have digestive acids and enzymes to help us digest and process our foods properly. Drinking liquids will dilute these digestive aids and weaken their ability to break down our proteins, fats and carbohydrates. Cold liquids are particularly bad because they “cool the digestive fire” and impair digestion further. Also, people tend to “wash down their food” with liquids versus chewing food really well.

Instead, consider drinking an entire glass of room temperature water 30-minutes before eating. Water provides adequate saliva for digesting foods in the mouth, and fluid to stimulate the mucous cells in the stomach. Mucus cells protect the stomach wall from ulcers, while acids are being released to break down food. The last bonus is it helps us feel satiated during our meal to prevent overeating.

Drinking Liquids With Meals