Probiotics Vs. Enzymes

Sometimes people get the two of these confused.

Probiotics (Pro = for, bio = life) are the beneficial cultures that we take to balance the “good” and “bad” bacteria in the gut. A large portion of our stool is bacteria (probably around 50%); therefore taking probiotics often helps with constipation by bulking up our elimination. Most of our immune system is located in the intestines and probiotics play a significant role. After using antibiotics, probiotics are crucial for restoring a healthy ecology in the intestines. Eating sugars and refined foods warrants regular use of these good bacteria to maintain health.

Digestive Enzymes help us digest our foods and are found naturally in raw fruits, vegetables and sprouted seeds and nuts. We require enzymes to break down certain types of foods, for example protease helps us digest proteins, carboxylase helps digest carbohydrates and lipase breaks down fats. Our bodies make digestive enzymes, but if one eats mostly cooked food they may find themselves needing enzymes in supplement form to help them digest their meals. Also, overeating requires consuming additional enzymes at that meal to prevent over-taxing the body.

Symptoms of gas, bloat, constipation and diarrhea may warrant the use of probiotics or digestive enzymes, but their purpose is very different.

Probiotics Vs. Enzymes