Health Concerns With NutraSweet

Most people are aware that sugar is bad for you, however that sugar substitute in little pink packets named NutraSweet might be worse.

NutraSweet is also known as Aspartame, Equal and Spoonful.  When Aspartame breaks down, it enters the brain in abnormally high concentrations and causes erratic activity in the brain, affecting the whole body.   This activity accelerates degenerative illnesses such as atherosclerosis, cancer and arthritis.  Some of the known symptoms of this sugar substitute include headaches/migraines, anxiety attacks, insomnia, breathing difficulties, infertility, visual problems and memory loss; to name a few.

Although diet drinks are touted to support weight loss they actually stimulate appetite and support weight gain.  NutraSweet can also be found in flavored drinks and water, gum, candy, mints,  sugar free products, yogurt, and even in nutritional bars.  If you have any unexplained symptoms, difficulty losing weight or just want to be healthier, consider reading labels and avoiding this legal poison.


Health Concerns With NutraSweet