Coconut Oil To Prevent Tooth Decay

Last week there was an article about how coconut oil prevents tooth decay that I thought was worth sharing as a great healthy tip of the week

Kids seem to be the most likely subjects of tooth decay and cavities, but I have also seen adults  be afflicted with the need for fillings from time to time.  In children, tooth decay is almost completely related to consumption of sugar cereals , snacks, desserts and of course the sugary fruit drinks.  These substances alter the pH in the mouth and help support the Streptococcus bacteria most often responsible for damage to the teeth.  Brushing is certainly helpful, but not always the cure.

Coconut oil is known for it’s antiseptic, antiviral and antibacterial properties.  Consuming coconut oil is one way of getting in the mouth , but swishing with it is far superior.  The action of forcing the oil back and forth throughout the mouth can get int between the teeth  where bacteria can hide.  Only a teaspoon is necessary to complete the task for a few minutes of vigorous swishing.

Soon you’ll be seeing toothpastes with coconut oil as one of the ingredients.  So if you want to get a head start on the trend and for a much deeper effect, try this practice and have your kids start it too.


Coconut Oil To Prevent Tooth Decay