Allergies Versus Sensitivities

Allergies and sensitivities have the same or very similar symptoms. These symptoms are caused by the body reacting to a stimulus or protein as if it is a toxin. People can react to foods, plants, chemicals or their components, also stimuli such as sun, altitude and movement. In addition, we can have an inappropriate response to our own substances, including our own sinus mucus, hormones, tissues (autoimmune) and digestive substances.

What separates allergies from sensitivities is that allergies cause a reaction in the immune system; sensitivities do not. The way to determine if there is a true allergy is only through a blood test. True food allergies are estimated to affect 2% of adults and 4-8% of young children and infants. Sensitivities are much more common.

Next week I’ll talk about one of the most common allergens and why it is so common today.

Allergies Versus Sensitivities