A Gallbladder’s Last Plea

This post is a partial reprint from an article for paid subscribers to my newsletter ALTERNATIVES.  Subscribe to read the full article by clicking here.

Gallbladder pain can be a dreadful experience that may make one succumb to a surgery. But is there another way to end the suffering? Maybe there’s hope in saving the organ and resolving the cause that landed you in the Emergency Room.

That pain on the right side under the ribs might be a stone in the gallbladder, but once it’s formed, there are some options.

If you put the tips of your index finger and thumb together, and make an “okay” sign, that hole inside the fingers, is about the size of an empty gallbladder. It’s a pouch under the liver that stores bile. The liver makes the bile, and the gallbladder stores it for that next fatty meal. Bile is a green, alkaline substance that breaks down consumed fat. Once it’s surgically removed, you’ll want to say goodbye to a heavy, fatty meal in the future. The liver still makes it, but we’ll need to tailor our meals a bit. Without this sack of fat emulsifiers, too much fat in one sitting is impossible to digest. Eating fat that cannot get digested, will only be stored. 20-pounds later you’ll wish you knew better.

This post is a partial reprint from an article for paid subscribers to my newsletter ALTERNATIVES.  Subscribe to read the full article by clicking here.

A Gallbladder’s Last Plea