The Dangers of Canola Oil

Canola is a cheap oil and with good reason.

Canola got its name because it is a refined Canadian oil, hence, “Can” “ola”. It is a type of mustard seed, the same mustard seed that was used as a tear gas during WWII. There is a component of Canola oil called Erucic acid. This acid is known to cause damage to blood vessels, organs and tissues in the body. Canola oil has been altered genetically to reduce the amount of Erucic acid to about 5%, however, any amount will cause damage to organs. I’ve read stories about the damage canola has done to cattle when it was added to their feed, including blindness. I’ve also read about the symptoms and conditions that were caused to humans. Because canola is a cheap oil it is added to many processed foods on the shelf, especially foods given to children. Consider other products that don’t contain this toxic substance.

My suggestion is to avoid canola oil altogether your health is not worth gambling on.

The Dangers of Canola Oil