Going Gluten-Free

Taking gluten out of the diet can be a difficult process. It is best to start by finding substitutes that you can use to stay on course. People often have cravings and fail to follow a gluten-free diet if they go “cold-turkey” without a plan, however, there are many products, restaurants, magazines, books and websites to help. When you are emotionally and physically ready, set your mind to keep gluten out of your diet for 60 days. It may take up to 2 months to rid the inflammation and notice the changes.

The first step is looking for gluten-free substitutes that are delicious and easy. I have a page dedicated to these substitutes at http://drjuliewilson.com/gluten-free-substitutes/ or just click here. Also, try using rice pasta instead of regular pasta. Start reading labels. Walk through Whole Foods and look for items that are gluten-free. Start meal-planning to include more fresh fruits and vegetables instead of canned, frozen and packaged. Turn towards ground beef and chicken instead of processed hot dogs, deli meats and already prepared meat dishes. Go back to basic, transparent salad dressings like balsamic vinegar and olive oil and avoid creamy dressings. And most of all, gradually move towards gluten-free as an ultimate goal not because you have to, but because it’s a healthier way.

Going Gluten-Free