At Home Thyroid Test

Today we are seeing so many people with under active thyroids.  Thyroid issues may be related to allergies, stress, poor nutrition, toxicity, or an acid/alkaline imbalance to name a few.  Here is a simple test to determine if you might be developing a thyroid issue.

Before going to sleep at night, put a thermometer at your bedside.  In the morning, before any significant movement or getting out of bed, check your temperature.  If you have an old mercury thermometer, keep it under your tongue for at least 5 full minutes.  If your temperature is above 98 degrees, your thyroid is probably fine.  If you’re seeing a temperature between 97 and 98, you may want to consider supporting your thyroid now, before it develops into a problem where you need to take medicine.  Usually this will not show up on a lab test yet.  If your temperature is below 97, you most likely have a thyroid that is under active.  Again, this may not show up on a blood test yet, but it will eventually.

Thyroid hormones work on every cell in the body affecting digestion, metabolism, growth, reproduction and mood control .  The thyroid interacts with the liver, reproductive, adrenal, parathyroid, thymus, pancreas and pituitary glands.  When the thyroid becomes weakened, other glands may be effected over time.  Symptoms that relate to an under active thyroid are thinning hair, weak or thin nails, low energy, weight gain and feeling cold.  So if you notice a low temperature, consider seeing an alternative practitioner to determine the cause of the problem, and then support and restore normal function as soon as possible.


At Home Thyroid Test