The Benefits of Hydrogen Peroxide

This week I’ve had several conversations with a close friend of mine about the benefits of hydrogen peroxide.  It seems there is a misunderstanding about how peroxide works, so here’s a simple explanation.

The molecular structure of water is H2O which is a very stable structure.  Hydrogen peroxide’s structure is H2O2.  They are very similar in one sense, but the extra oxygen molecule in hydrogen peroxide is what makes it so different and amazing.

Hydrogen peroxide is known to be used for cuts and infections because of its antibacterial properties.  Some additional benefits are that it is anti-viral and anti-fungal.  The reason it is so effective is because the extra oxygen molecule in H2O2 is readily released to interact with other substances.  Oxygen reacts with bacteria, viruses, fungi and other toxins by “oxidizing” them and breaking them down.  Oxygen is readily absorbed through the skin and since oxygen is what keeps us alive the additional oxygen is beneficial to animals and humans.

There are many uses for this inexpensive, colorless liquid and they will be described in next week’s tip.

The Benefits of Hydrogen Peroxide