The Many Benefits of Honey

For most of us, we have been told by our mothers or grandmothers that when we have a sore throat we should drink tea with some honey to soothe it. Well not only do I still recommend this today, I have many other suggestions for using honey.

I have the honor of treating one of the sweetest women I’ve ever met. Yesterday I was looking at a fairly new scar she has on her arm and I couldn’t help but think…Honey!! There are many topical uses for honey. For scars, honey is a great ointment to apply daily to help it heal and disappear. Honey also has some amazing antibacterial/antiseptic properties that help heal wounds, athlete’s foot and prevent infections. My mother-in-law in fact, touts the great effects of honey for gangrene. For pimples, apply this natural ointment to the area to help draw out the toxins. Honey also seems to help with the redness of Rosacea.

Then of course there are the benefits of consuming honey. Honey is loaded with minerals and B-vitamins. Because honey is very sweet it’s important to consume honey with caution if you have a blood sugar issue. However, there are studies that have shown that honey can decrease blood glucose. Honey can also lower Homocysteine levels, an amino acid associated with heart disease and atherosclerosis. Honey decreases inflammation in the body that causes swelling or pain. It helps with digestive issues such as diarrhea and ulcers. Honey is great for helping boost the immune system and even has anti-tumor properties.

Of course there is one small stipulation to achieve these fabulous benefits, the honey must be raw, unfiltered and unpasteurized. The honey you find in the little bear at the grocery store is heated, processed, pasteurized and filtered. I get mine from my farmer and farmer’s markets are an excellent source of raw honey.

The Many Benefits of Honey