If I’m Healthier, Why Are My Symptoms Worse?

In today’s culture, especially in the U.S., symptoms are considered bad, and something to eliminate.   In one sense, this is true, in another sense, ignoring or covering up symptoms only prolongs the issue.

Symptoms and pain are the body’s way of communicating that something is wrong.  Ideally we should recognize the symptom, learn why it is there and do what is necessary to restore our health.  Instead we tend to ignore the symptom or cover it up. This allows the issue to fester or worsen.  Over time, new symptoms may arise, or additional treatment or medicine is required.

Nutrition, detoxification, lifestyle and alternative methods can resolve the problem.  This approach may also create a period of worsened symptoms, called a healing crisis.  As the healing process continues, old symptoms from the past may be experienced again.  This is referred to as retracement.  Retracement is the last time these symptoms will be encountered.  This is something to celebrate.

If I’m Healthier, Why Are My Symptoms Worse?