Cold Drink Dangers

As summer approaches and the weather gets warmer, most people are inclined to drink colder beverages. Here is a little information about cold drinks.

Cold drinks may seem quenching, but they can also be damaging to your digestion. In order for the digestive system to function optimally, there are specific temperatures that digestive enzymes and acids require. A drink with ice is significantly colder than the body’s normal 98.6 degrees and consuming this will impair our digestive fire.

If you prefer cold drinks, consider eliminating the ice and drinking beverages out of the refrigerator, which has a temperature closer to 40 degrees. Another thought is to hold the cold drink in your mouth to warm it up before swallowing. A secondary benefit to this is the drink mixes with enzymes in the mouth (click here to see my previous tip). Over time you should be able to drink beverages at room temperature.

Warm or hot drinks are much healthier and actually stimulate the immune system. In fact, hot water with lemon especially in the morning, is an excellent choice for the health of your colon and for stimulating elimination.

Cold Drink Dangers