A Hidden Cause of Weight Gain

Last week I had a patient complain that she was gaining weight.  She works out daily and eats really well, but what she didn’t consider was what she was drinking.

People may drink alcohol  socially, or have wine with meals and not think much about it.  Although it may seem infrequent, excess alcohol consumption, one time or over the long-term, can change a person’s metabolism in an unexpected way.

Alcohol reacts like a sugar in the body, offering very little or no benefit.  Because alcohol is a liquid, it is absorbed into the bloodstream quickly, and raises blood sugar levels almost immediately.  A quick rise in blood sugar stimulates insulin to be released.  Insulin triggers the body to store fat.  In addition, if the liver  can’t keep up with toxic load of alcohol, the body will store the toxins in fat.  So not only does alcohol stimulate fat to be stored, it also sets up long-term toxin-storage.

If you or someone you know is concerned about weight gain, consider eliminating all alcohol for 2-3 months.  Work on balancing your blood sugar by eating adequate protein and fat and see if weight loss comes much easier.

A Hidden Cause of Weight Gain